Here We Go Again.
As I start the journey into a new game idea I’ve noticed that I have even less free time than before. My kids are older but way more demanding of my time so the amount of time I can devote to my work remains low. So let’s start at the beginning, what technologies have I chosen to take this journey on?
- C++
- SDL2
- OpenGL
- STB Libraries
- Freetype
As with my last few projects I’ll be working with a few of my frameworks built on top of the above technologies. C++ is used as a “C with function overloading” and the rest of the libraries are pretty self explanitory.
When I start a new project I’ll typically hash out the basic structure of the game while working towards a typical minimum viable product that would showcase one or two mechanics of the game. The mechanics that I’ve chosen for this game would lead it towards a sim-like adventure where you can build a hub and expand the world that NPCs enjoy. Sound exciting, right?
I’ll admit that the first MVP might not actually be all that riveting from a players perspective but my goal is to make something unique and entertaining while exploring the possabilities of new mechanics in a way that can allow the player to expand on their own knowledge and understanding of the space.
With all of that being said, this is the very first screen shot after an hour or two in development: my first starting area.